Monday, February 18, 2008

Online Adverting - The Sequel

This is a follow up from my previous post about Online Adverts.

Today, while on MSN, at the bottom of the window displayed the words " Discover the NUS difference for yourself. Visit " Then while I was on Facebook, this large and rather noticeable ad by NTU caught my attention at the side.

Guess the competition is really tough these days among the Universities. They are indeed spending their budget wisely on targeted spots where the youths are most likely to visit. But what's the click through rate? And how effective are these adverts in pulling the top students to the local universities?

Honestly, I think if I were one of the target consumers, I might be abit put off by the Universities' overenthusiastic approach to invade into my private life. haha.

Then again, I can't help but applaud NUS and NTU's efforts in making their advertising count as much as they could. Now Now, where is SMU? guess they are trying to be different yet again. looking forward to another exciting campaign by them.

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