Thursday, February 21, 2008

Brand Values versus Practicality

Currently doing a case study on a suncare brand in Singapore. Went for an session with the brand manager to gain an in-depth understanding of the brand's history, values and functions thus far.

The brand is actually looking at exploring into a whole new market: the youth market with a whole new product range. However, one distinctive point that struck me during the session was that the brand is extremely protective of its association with the pharmacies.

The original idea of venturing into the mass distribution channels immediately got sent packing. It led me to ponder, what roles do a brand's heritage play in formulating a brand's future approach to marketing?

No doubt, values add as the guiding principles for any brand to follow and adhere to. But does this discipline come at the expense of new opportunities left unexplored? I believe as marketers of the new age, values are meant to be shaped and reshaped as a company grows. I mean, what's the point of holding on to a value that is no longer feasible or practical to follow in the new world?

As marketers, should we be given the authority to break values and seek better positioning for our brands? What do you think?

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